Computer Forensics • Mobile Forensics • Cloud Forensics • Cell Site Analysis • Expert Witness
Whilst the nature of a forensic analysis can vary from preserving and retrieving information to reconstructing a series of events, it is our role as experts to convey the current state of a digital artefact; whether in the form of an entire computer system, mobile device, social media, message or document.
In addition to using a broad range of forensic tools, such as EnCase, X-Ways, Cellebrite and AXIOM, we look at the underlying data and conduct practical tests to gain a clearer insight into the provenance and context.
Our cases have ranged from reviewing a single SMS text message to an investigation of over 60 computers. In general, our work covers the following:
Securing forensically sound copies of data from computers, mobile devices and online content (mailboxes, social media platforms, cloud backups / storage etc.)
Provenance of images and documents.
Recovery of internet browsing, chat activity and other ‘history’ which can assist in identifying an individual user and a mode of operation.
Locating evidence left behind relating to file sharing activities.
Identifying and providing materials, such as e-mails, documents and time-based activities in a practical format for review.
Establishing the likely location of a mobile phone based on the network provider’s call data records.
Analysis of Call Detail Records (CDR), often referred to as Cell Site Analysis.
Confirm the methods and findings of work undertaken by others.
Attendance at court as an expert witness or in an advisory capacity.
Our typical cases include:
Corporate and personal matters
Indecent, prohibited or extreme images
County lines